
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 100

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 6:19pmSanction this postReply
Thanks, Sir George! That was very sweet of you. Indeed it appears I have been guilty of encouraging the irrational and illogical.

Jon, I have no disagreement with your statement above (post #98). The same should apply to the man as well. However, I want to highlight part of Lee's latest post:

"..in my opinion...first, she should talk to the man and tell him that she expects him to be a good father. Not marry her - but be a good involved father.

If he refuses .... then he's an asshole,..."

This is beyond contempt. 

Post 101

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 6:28pmSanction this postReply
Jon: For the record I agree with George RE the comparison of you and Lee. Plus I enjoy your sense of humor. But your illogic throughout this thread is quite evident. The blind spot is demonstrated by the questions you just asked, which ignore the central issue. Just like your characterization of pro-spankers several posts up has done the same. On top of that, you're sarcastic and sneering. Being illogical and having an attitude about it is a big blind spot.

Post 102

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 6:56pmSanction this postReply
I almost sanctioned your post that George objected to. It was only because of your comment on Jon that prevented me from doing so. Oh, well, now I see you two are already hitting it off... 

(Edited by Hong Zhang on 3/05, 7:00pm)

Post 103

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 6:56pmSanction this postReply
I hope you'll all note that calling some irrational or illogical without pointing out the flaws in their thinking doesn't make it so.

George's last post was pure ad hominem without a speck of back up. I'm a post modern christian? Is that it? No, of course not - George just picked two things that he thinks are bad, then accused me of being both of them even though it's contradictory. You can't even insult properly.

And I assume Hong can take care of herself. She can't argue worth a damn, but she can take care of herself. Once again, rather than explain why my position is incorrect, she just says it's 'beyond contempt'. Okay, why?

If a man refuses to take responsibilty for his children, he's irresponsible. Making all the excuses or rationalizations in the world doesn't change that. He's failing to recognize reality, and failing to be responsible for the consequences of his actions. He's not required to convert to Judiam for the woman, or to marry, or anything else to be a good father; to pursue excellence in fatherhood the way he should pursue it in a career. If he doesn't do that, he's not acting in accordence with any rational set of values. Please note the word rational.

I don't expect an answer, because a lot of you have shown you literaly can't post without it being a string of incorrect conclusions and ad hominems. (I didn't say you, Shayne.) Insults and outrage are her tools, not proof or argument. There hasn't even been an attempt at an arguement, or proof, or anything. Read the last few posts.

Post 104

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 7:04pmSanction this postReply

Just curious...

Why don't you say the same things on the Yahoo Objectivist Parents board? I'm curious why you aren't telling John Powers or Marsha Enright that they are contemptable?

The whole tone is the discussion is different there - not the rabid accusation fest we have here, with people using insults as a replacement for arguement.

You're on both boards, why the seeming difference?

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Post 105

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 7:23pmSanction this postReply
Lee, I see you're still running your mouth at my little sister.

Let me tell you what I *can* do properly. I am an expert at bitch slapping punk ass cowards like you. Even through the internet I can smell a coward - and you stink to high heaven. I'd give 3 to 1 odds that your only response would be urinating all over yourself.  

(Edited by George W. Cordero on 3/05, 7:27pm)

Post 106

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 7:43pmSanction this postReply
George Wrote...
Lee, I see you're still running your mouth at my little sister.

Let me tell you what I *can* do properly. I am an expert at bitch slapping punk ass cowards like you. Even through the internet I can smell a coward - and you stink to high heaven. I'd give 3 to 1 odds that your only response would be urinating all over yourself.

Ah, I see we've moved from Ad Hominem to Ad Bacculum.

I know a mindless bully when I see one, and that would be you. I beleive that banning you would be appropriate - you have left the realm of civilized or mature people. It's not my board, of course, so we'll see how the owners react.

Post 107

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 8:04pmSanction this postReply
Lee says: "I know a mindless bully when I see one, ... "

And I know a coward when I read one.

Lee says: " ... you have left the realm of civilized or mature people."

Left the realm? I have only just opened the door! This is not good old laid back Lindsay Perigo you're talking to.

Lee says: "I beleive that banning you would be appropriate -"
Yes, of course you would. Somehow that response does not surprise me.

(Edited by George W. Cordero on 3/05, 9:11pm)

Post 108

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 8:18pmSanction this postReply
Well let me call it a night folks, before sissy-Lee ruins a good Jack Daniels on ice.


Post 109

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 8:41pmSanction this postReply
Once a person gives up reason completely, and is reduced to nothing but pretend threats and calling someone a 'sissy', I don't see what they have to offer to anyone.

What would happen here among people who prize reason is that anyone who claims to agree with Ayn Rand on issues of reason and force would disassociate themselves from Mr. Cordero.

Call me cynical, but I expect silence or rationalizations from a number of people. That will be revealing.

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Post 110

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 8:59pmSanction this postReply

Hong and George are two of my favorite people here at solo. I think you've set a record since I've been here [about four months] for the most arrogant prick on solo. That's saying something.

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Post 111

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 9:03pmSanction this postReply

George sips and clicks the checkmark.

Post 112

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 9:59pmSanction this postReply

Just curious what standard you're using that justifies Mr. Cordero's behavior and criticizes mine? Calling people who ask for rational discourse 'arrogant' is something the villians in Ayn Rand's novels do, not the heros.
(Edited by Lee Stranahan
on 3/05, 10:00pm)

Post 113

Saturday, March 5, 2005 - 11:23pmSanction this postReply
Yikes - things are heating up in here!  Jon Letendre, I don't know why I'm bringing this up now, but you by far have the most intriguing head shot of any solo member here.  One question - is that in fact hair on the back of your head?  If so, I'm having a hard time making out the nature of your 'do.  Any chance you could provide a side profile or any other angle that would help us get to know the real you?? 

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Post 114

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 3:50amSanction this postReply

The short answer is "I calls 'em as I sees 'em", but since you ask so politely I'll stick to criticizing your behaviour:

You began this discussion with:

"I'm ..posting here to provoke thoughtful discussion. It's an ethical question meant to define some of the boundries, if there are any, of the virtue of selfishness."


"I am saying a child can lay claim on a parent. And this can be exteneded out to parenting in general."

In the first place you are taking a situation in your scenario where a woman takes it upon herself to become a single mother against the will of the sperm donor father expecting to then lay a claim on the income and time of the unwilling father for perhaps the next couple of decades. You don't want to talk about this "mother", but it is clear that she is acting immorally. She initially didn't want a child, but oops, now she wants one. And, somehow, you claim, her immoral action lays a moral claim on the father. At no time was the man unclear about his desire not to be a father. You then, naturally, get a response to your post outlining the rational options the women can take to avoid the responsibilities of being a single mom. No one is unfamiliar with these scenarios. Abortion, adoption, no problem. But if the "Mother" wants to, you say, she can keep the baby and the man is "morally obligated" to support her and the child. This is so wrong. Many people see that, but all you can do is insult or patronize them. And you want to extend this sloppy thinking to "parenting in general".

You describe yourself as:

"people who ask for rational discourse"

I don't think you are such a person. You are very biased about this issue. It isn't about philosophy is it? Could it be you cannot get yourself on the wrong side of this issue with respect to your wife and her dad? Just a thought. And, you are arrogant and patronizing. That's an observation, not an ad hominem.

As far as George is concerned, you were provoking him. How rational is that? Hong is beloved here, get used to it.

Post 115

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 6:24amSanction this postReply
Thank you very much for your kind words. I don't think anybody can state the issue and our position any more clearer than your post. I myself has said pretty much the same thing. So I see no need for me to argue with Lee any further. I have much better things to spend time on.

Another thing, I don't really see any vicious intention in Lee's posts. I see ignorance, laughably so; false premises, yes; and perhaps a little temper tantrum.


(Edited by Hong Zhang on 3/06, 6:30am)

Post 116

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 7:39amSanction this postReply

It is about philosphy for me. I'm not faced with the scenario, and the scenario I pointed out has zero to do with my wife or me. Her situation with her father is totally different - they were married for seven years, he wanted a baby, and so on. So there's no special pleading on my part - I made up a scenario that wasn't close at all.

My initial question was about the father, and I saw people not answering that one. I did answer about the mother, but I don't accept the premise that irrational for her not to get an abortion.

When you say something like 'Abortion. Adoption. No problem.' it shows a cavilier attitude on your part. It very well could be a problem for the woman, left knowing she has a child out there or that she ended the life of what could have been her child.

About the other bullshit...

I'm not challenging Hong's beloved status, nor do I see that as relevant. But her posts haven't been reasoned or factual in many cases. She's ignored facts that were inconvient. And she seems hypocritcal to me, saying one thing on the Objectivist Parenting forum, and another thing here where her bully boys can threaten anyone who dares disagree with her.

And saying that I provoked George's threats is complete and utter bullshit. You justifying his inappropriate behaivor is called 'subjectivism' - as long as he feels 'provoked' apparently he can say anything. I did what people do on a message - they talk. They disagree. Things can get heated, but George's posts were clearly and obviously the bullying rants of a person who has run out of rational arguments and self control. Shame on you, Mike. And shame on you Hong, for not seperating yourself from that behaivor.

Do either of your even know what ad bacculum means? Do you understand why it's wrong? More importantly, do you care? Obviously not - keeping the collective clique together is more important than any commitment to reasoned argument. It would be pathetic on any message board, but on an supposedly Objectivist message board with supposed Objectivists, it's especially infuriating.

Next time you can't answer an arguement rationally, either admit you're wrong or shut up. Don't descend to the level of unthinking brutes and don't support those who do.
(Edited by Lee Stranahan
on 3/06, 7:46am)

(Edited by Lee Stranahan
on 3/06, 7:48am)

Post 117

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 8:05amSanction this postReply
Hi Pete,

Intriguing. Wow, I love that. There’s no hair. On the back of my head is a child’s red and white striped hat. My inspiration for this shot comes from Adabisi of HBO’s show Oz.

As for a new shot, I have raised the possibility before—Jennifer Iannolo pleaded with me not to do it. And Hong really likes the snarl. Your counter suggestion just doesn’t count as much, sorry. If some other women ask for it, I’ll reconsider at that time.


Post 118

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 8:07amSanction this postReply
Excellent post, Mike.

Lee said:
Next time you can't answer an arguement rationally, either admit you're wrong or shut up.
Since you've shown that you are unwilling to admit you're wrong, I presume you will now shut up.


Post 119

Sunday, March 6, 2005 - 8:42amSanction this postReply
Lee, I am still trying to wrap my brain around this...

I would argue that that person needs to change their values, and that
by referencing only their own values, they aren't acting properly.
Not only that, I think they have an ethical responsibility to not be
mopey and bitter about it - and not because it's in their long term
best interest, but because it's in the child's long term best
interest. So, I'm not saying they should act like a sacrifical
martyr, or complain about their lot in life and how they didn't want
kids. For the sake of someone else, a person they are responsible for
helping bring into the world, they need to modify their value system.
Sure the guy needs an attitude adjustment, but not at the point of a gun, which seems to be what you are suggesting. Are you familiar with the term "shotgun wedding"?

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