
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Bates, Andrew

September 8, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Why Vote Libertarianz?
by Andrew Bates
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I gave this speech at the Gay Aucklanders' Business Association (aka Fruits in Suits) Election Special meeting last night. (I have taken a break from writing up my U.S. road tour to campaign for the Libertarianz until September 17th).
If you want your freedom defended, you need a party committed to the principle that you own your life and should be free to live it as you see fit. You need now to shun the voices of compromise and vote for the party prepared to work patiently to change the culture.You need to vote your conscience. You need to vote, and, of course, join, the Libertarianz. (Read more...)

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August 11, 2005
OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US (Part VI)
by Andrew Bates
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Andrew leaves the West Coast and tours Texas, passing through Arizona and New Mexico on the way. (Read more...)
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July 3, 2005
OE USA: A New Zealander's travels in the US (Part V)
by Andrew Bates
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Andrew visits the most beautiful city on America's Left Coast, San Diego, and meets up with some rugby playing women. He zips back to San Francisco to pick up what he needs to get under way, and his van breaks down in the place where a desert meets a steep hill climb. (Read more...)
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June 24, 2005
OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US - Part IV
by Andrew Bates
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Andrew attends the FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas with two SOLOists (who were there for the other attractions) then does the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. (Read more...)
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June 19, 2005
OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US (Part III)
by Andrew Bates
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Gutted that my tour would be delayed and that I would have to ask more of my hosts, I told them the news. They just laughed and said they were happy to have me stick round. "Welcoming" doesn’t half describe it.

Their generosity was fresh in my mind when I spoke to my mother for the first time a few days later.
(Read more...)

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June 9, 2005
OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US (Part II)
by Andrew Bates
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With his new van, Andrew sets off to Seattle for his first trip. His stop off in the Oakland slum was a bit of an experience. (Read more...)
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June 5, 2005
Sense of Life
OE USA: A New Zealander's Travels in the US (Part I)
by Andrew Bates
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SOLOist Andrew Bates is touring the US for three months in a minivan. Read all about it. Well, perhaps not all. (Read more...)
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July 7, 2004
CommentaryThe Free Radical
Multiculturalism = Multiconformism
by Andrew Bates
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The nature of the oppression of women and racial minorities is the rejection of individualism. In failing to identify and treat a woman, a Maori or a Pacific Islander as an individual and to evaluate that person based on the content of his character, the real bigots engage in collectivism. (Read more...)
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August 22, 2002
The Revolution Begins at Home
by Andrew Bates
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Self-improvement by teaching good ideas. (Read more...)
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