
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Cordero, George W.

July 26, 2005
War for Men's MindsThe Free Radical
Lessons Learned, Lessons Forgotten
by George W. Cordero
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In the years that lie ahead of us, the topic of nuclear proliferation by Islamic theocracies will increasingly dominate the news. Voices from all sides of the political spectrum will lend their expert advice on the issue. The loudest voice that you will hear is the ever-present voice of appeasement and pacifism: the voice of the guilt-ridden and self-hating Western nations. (Read more...)
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April 10, 2005
Sense of Life
by George W. Cordero
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I cannot help but feel that the moment in which paradise and innocence are truly lost, is the first moment of your first "yes" to an unearned guilt or injustice; the moment in which you accept ‘pain’ as a normal state of being. (Read more...)
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March 9, 2005
Sense of Life
Brian's Smile
by George W. Cordero
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Brian once confessed to me that he believed that life was about suffering, and that those few moments of happiness we have, are just accidents. He would often say that the only true happiness a person will experience in his life is at the moment of death, the moment in which one is finally released from so much pain. (Read more...)
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February 21, 2005
The New Face of Human Selfishness
by George W. Cordero
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These people really do believe that life is ‘one giant hospital’, and that each of us must be our ‘brother's keeper.’ (Read more...)
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February 6, 2005
The Gun Rights Dilemma
by George W. Cordero
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In the end, the direction America is heading in relation to gun ownership rights will not be determined by the success or failure of any single pro- or anti-gun lobby, but by the overall direction of the culture at large. (Read more...)
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January 17, 2005
A Cordero Rant: Spanking Little Johnny
by George W. Cordero
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In keeping with the tradition that I should always stay about one comment away from being banned from SOLO, or from having a couple of you guys come to Florida just to beat the hell out of me, I have decided to submit this little gem. (Read more...)
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January 9, 2005
What Will They Think Of Us?
by George W. Cordero
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History is replete with the carcasses of civilizations that had become so morally uncertain that a primitive, but committed foe, was able to vanquish them. The analogies are endless, but in all of them there is a common thread; the more advanced civilization being undermined from within. (Read more...)
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January 2, 2005
The Forgotten Romantic: Anton Bruckner
by George W. Cordero
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Bruckner is demanding of his listener—he demands focus, demands concentration, demands stamina, and above all he demands commitment. One does not listen to a Bruckner symphony, one must commit to it. (Read more...)
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December 9, 2004
Sense of Life
by George W. Cordero
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Here Objectivism is not some endless ‘open system’ unwilling to judge the culture at large. Nor is the Objectivism expressed here a series of stifling rule-bound exercises in being a ‘true believer.’ For years Objectivism has needed a bridge between dogmatism and philosophical eclecticism; it is as this bridge that SOLO makes its appeal.
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December 5, 2004
One Down, Two to Go
by George W. Cordero
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A massive Anglo-American air strike will be launched against all of the nuclear research and production stations within Iran. (Read more...)
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November 24, 2004
Atheism: A Question of Conscience
by George W. Cordero
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They say that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel; I tell you that atheism is his first refuge. (Read more...)
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November 23, 2004
War for Men's Minds
Yet Another Open Letter to Chris Matthew Sciabarra
by George W. Cordero
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So for those Bush haters out there, if you want someone to blame, blame Sally and Jose. The people wearing crucifixes voted as they always do. (Read more...)
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November 7, 2004
Sense of Life
A Letter to Cassandra
by George W. Cordero
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It’s funny how a simple remark or gesture can make such an impact. You made a lasting one with me. (Read more...)
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November 4, 2004
The Master: Wilhelm Furtwangler
by George W. Cordero
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There are many compilations of all of Beethoven’s 9 symphonies. I personally own 3 whole sets, and numerous individual recordings of different symphonies. When it comes to a Beethoven symphony its hard to argue against the precision of a von Karajan with the BPO. And if state of the art technology and stereo or digi... (Read more...)
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October 30, 2004
War for Men's Minds
The Sky Is Falling (or - Why I Believe that Everyone and Everything Sucks)
by George W. Cordero
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If you ask me, there really is very little to live for. Obviously your only option is an armed revolution to overthrow this vile dictatorship that you live under. (Read more...)
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October 14, 2004
Sense of Life
Why I Hate Chris Sciabarra & Barbara Branden
by George W. Cordero
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We declare that we live by the philosophical tenets of a woman who regarded reasoning and work a virtue, and then stop the hard work of expanding our rational minds by accepting the ‘package deal’ version of Objectivism, in its totality and without question. (Read more...)
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October 3, 2004
What I have Learned from the Recent Debates on Homosexuality
by George W. Cordero
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Rightly or wrongly, the issue tends to act like the first domino in a long row of dominos, if you allow that first one to be tipped over – all the rest will follow. (Read more...)
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September 3, 2004
Think About It
by George W. Cordero
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Hey, I have been reading here on this website a little bit and I can’t help but think that all you guys are weirdos. You guys just don’t get it, do you? I mean, all this crap about how bad it is to for the government to run things and all. And if that’s not enough you guys got the nerve to disrespect the Almighty Himself! Well, let me tell you a thing or two, Mr. and Mrs. Know-it-all. (Read more...)
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August 19, 2004
Truth and Rumor
by George W. Cordero
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Keep this anecdote in mind the next time you either hear, or are about to repeat, a rumor. (Read more...)
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August 14, 2004
War for Men's Minds
An Open Letter to Chris Matthew Sciabarra
by George W. Cordero
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America is 4 years into the 21st century, and she has never stood taller than she does now; she has never before been a greater beacon of truth, freedom, and reason than she is now. (Read more...)
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August 10, 2004
Sense of Life
The Birthday Cake
by George W. Cordero
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It is uncommon for 2 friends who are male to relate a true story from their life that exposes anything beyond the superficial. In the course of talking about our fathers, my friend related to me the story that became the basis of  The Birthday Cake. While he spoke, my friend became increasingly emotional, and by the end of his story he was in tears. I was so moved by it that I asked him if I could retell his father’s life in the form of a short story. He said he would be very happy if I did so. In order to try to convey the same amount of passion in which my friend told this story, I decided to write it in the first person.
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